Every time I go into England, I feel a guilt like I'm hiding the crown jewels or something. I forget where I'm going and why I'm going there. It doesn't help when the immigration officer has such a scary face....
Watching a "roasting" show on DVD recently, I chuckled when I noticed that even famous people get nervous, judging by their warbling voices and shaking hands. I guess when it isn't something scripted out for them, even they blank out and/or feel scared.
(The following is used by permission of the story subject. Copyright 2006)
So Stuart is heading into Canada on a service trip for his company. The man at the border crossing says to him, "So where are you going." To which Stuart replies, "Canada." (Insert catchy Beach Boys tune here for the song "Wipe Out"...but change the words to "Blank Out!")
I'm not sure if the border guard was amused or not. But he said, "No kidding. Wanna be a little more specific?"
Oh, the embarrassment!!!
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