Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Shut the Beep Up

Things that make you go "hmmmm."

I always like how something can sound different than intended. It was something I learned early on in my newspaper days. I could say a person "declined to comment" or "refused to speak." I'm saying EXACTLY the same thing, but the meaning and how another person perceives it changes with the word choice.

Idle grass....

* * *

So I'm making one of my infamous noodle salad dinners -- a staple in our diets during the summer -- adding a mystery meat (I think it's turkey) I found in the far corner of the freezer and some of our homegrown cherry tomatoes. And I'm reading the package to see how long to cook the noodles.

7 minutes = al dente (slightly firm). The timer goes off. I hit reset, but it doesn't stop it. Do I let it continue through the factory-prescribed amount of beeps...thus letting the noodles cook a few more minutes, or do I shut the annoying thing off by smacking it? It's very tempting to let it go, since technically 9 minutes = done, but I opt for al dente.

That shuts the beep up quicker.

* * *

Did I say something naughty?

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