Thursday, October 18, 2007

Latest Addition...

Ugh! Here is the newest my face...for all of blogdom to see... (Pardon the lighting. The flash didn't go off, and it was the best of the self-timed bunch.)

Still...I can see much better now. (Who knew I couldn't see well before now?) But how many months until I can get contacts??


Unknown said...

Love the new glasses! You look beautiful!

Susie said...

You are so kind, Lana! I think I look more "scholarly" -- a.k.a. teacher-like. LOL! I'll have to get some clip-on sunglasses since I can't wear my cool shades anymore. :o) That or, as Stuart suggested, get the "Florida grandma shades" that go around my glasses.

Thanks again, sweet friend!!

Anonymous said...

They look really nice! I had clip-on sunglasses (before I lost them) for my glasses, and they actually have a wide range of cool ones to choose from. I got mine at the beach, so I'm not sure where to get them around home...


Angel at Aduladi' said...

Smashing! I think you look even more like Emily (or she looks even more like you, hee hee!). Imagine that!

Susie said...

Thanks, Kelly and Angel!!

I guess I'll be able to see that Emily looks like me now. LOL! It's amazing what pieces of glass in front of your eyes can do to help your vision...

Still, they take some getting used to. :o)