A nip...a pinch...a bite...to go...on a roadtrip.
Those who know me well may think of me as more of a "homebody." And I guess I always was before... As a child, I never wanted to go to summer camp (the beds stank and the food was awful so who could blame me?) or to anybody's house for a sleepover (I preferred my own bed, I guess).
But back to my "bug" bite...
This Thursday, the 24 - Season 7 trailer is showing on the iconic News Astrovision by Panasonic in Times Square. I'm a huge fan of that show. We live about 2 1/2 hours from the Big Apple.
I'm thinking: Wouldn't it be fun to participate in an exciting event like that? What if this is the last season of my beloved show? (This is NOT a spoiler, and I know Kiefer is contracted for another season and a movie yet, but still...) And wouldn't it be cool to be there in person to see it on a huge screen, to read about it showing in NYC and say, "I was there!"?
The idea wheels begin turning in my brain, and before I know it, I'm itching to go.
Now to get it to "bite" my hubby.
Stay tuned...
How will you persuade your long-suffering husband to cooperate? J/K! Looking forward to the trip!
I think you should go..i live in Ireland so am a bit far away(!) but if i had the opportunity to go i would take it! and 21/2 hours isint bad!!
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