Halloween 2003
I'm probably the "scrooge" of this particular holiday. I just think it's such a hassle trying to figure out what costumes will work this year. We rarely ever buy the pre-made ones...instead piecing together our own...which end up costing 4X as much.
So this year they're going as cats. Both of them. Two black cats...deja vu. (Just watched The Matrix.)
Edward insists he won't wear the bow-tie that came with the cute kitty ears and tail. And we can't paint his face. We insist that he'll get twice as much candy from the older ladies who think he's "such a darling." He won't like that part. He thinks he's a "cool cat." But, unfortunately, his candy-bargaining power is directly related to his cuteness factor.
Emily will be an adorable cat. Adorableness goes naturally with being a girl...and somehow girls never mind it -- all the way into womanhood. But she's already worried that I'll eat all of her candy. She says I always do...
Hmmm....maybe there is something I like about Hallowe'en afterall.
Just to let you know, your e-mail announcement thingy is working!
The most important part of parenting is the God given right to pilfer through your offspring's bounty after Halloween! Somehow my kids' chocolate treats mystically disappear every year leaving them with Skittles and the like. No one is sure how this happens (wink, wink)...
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