Saturday, October 07, 2006

That's Entertainment!

I'm glad to know that, if nothing else, I'm good for entertainment as far as my kids are concerned.

<--Pumpkin kids 2002

Halloween is a big deal in our house. I'm not really sure why because we certainly do not participate in the meaning of the holiday or celebrate it in any way except the "dressing up" and pumpkin parts.

But for weeks -- nay, months -- preceding this silly day, our kids have been dreaming of what they will wear this go around begging sweets off all the "oohing" and "aahing" neighbors.

The selections change daily...sometimes hourly. And vary from completely corny to completely impossible to make.

So I decided to let them in on the secret memory of when I dressed as a peanut. I was about 10 or 11, and it was probably my dumbest costume ever...and I wore it. I took a paperbag and cut a hole in the top and armholes in the sides. Then I slipped it over my head and tied it in the middle with a piece of yarn. Wah-lah! An instant "walking, talking peanut," to quote my son.

Both kids cannot stop laughing at the vision of me dressed like this...

Oh, well. Cheap my expense.


Anonymous said...

I think that should be your costume this year! I would pay money to see you walk around like that, LOL!

Stuart said...

It's not just the kids laughing at that image! :)

Also, is it me, or are those word verification character strings getting longer? gyenuwcy?