Thursday, October 19, 2006

A New Favorite

I have a new "favorite" man in my life....and lest you think I mean a new favorite man to love in my life, no, I haven't traded in my hubby.... *grin*

Every week I change the video on my blog to something appropriately linked to how I'm feeling or what I'm writing about.

This week, when I was writing about Ground Zero in NYC, I wanted something to go along with the idea of remembering...and discovered Josh Groban.

I'd heard some of his music before being a faithful car-radio-listener of Delilah. But the song "Remember" haunted me like none other and seemed to go so well with the idea of 9/11. (I know. The video is from the movie Troy.)

He has a fantastic voice! What a range! I especially like his version of "The Prayer" with Charlotte Church (another of my favorites).

Truly beautiful!

Truly worth remembering!

Truly a favorite!

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