Friday, October 20, 2006


Well, I've made it to the big 1-0-0 on my trusty li'l blog. I've been moving towards that number of entries and 1,000 visitors. And I made it to both!

When I started blogging back in March (on another site), I never realized much fun it would be! It doesn't matter that I have a very small following (but I love ya!). I've just enjoyed getting back into the habit of writing...something I hadn't done since having children.

So break out the champagne and caviar! Throw confetti and blow the trumpets! Release the balloons and start the fireworks....

Okay, a simple "hooray, or similar!" will have to suffice. LOL!


Stuart said...

I'm not sure the budget will stretch to champagne and about a Happy Meal?


Anonymous said...

Yaay! Congratulations!

It's quite exciting to reach a landmark blogging moment isn't it?! ;o)

I was the same when I reached 100 posts and 1000+ visitors.

Ahhh, how easily pleased we are.

I'm almost a year old myself...

{hugs} Caz

PS - Sorry I missed your birthday (things have been a bit, uurgh, crazy here). Happy belated birthday though. Sounds like you all had great fun.

Susie said...

Thanks, Caz! Yes, we are so easily pleased by the simple stuff, huh? :o)

We did have a nice time on our birthday! It's always a challenge to keep it special for Emily since she's never actually had the day to herself. But I think she had a great time this year. Now, we just need to go out so she can spend some of her birthday money. LOL!

Hugs back!