Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Kindred Spirits

Have you ever met someone away from home that you just wanted to get to know better?

When we visited the playground in Central Park on Monday, I met such a person.


I met a woman about my age with two little sons. She is moving to Queens from Vermont. Her husband's job brought them to NYC for a year. She'd been apartment shopping with her older son, a 3 1/2-year-old, and had promised to take him to the playground when they finished. So there we all were...playing. She was originally from a rural area in Vermont but had spent a lot of time in Boston, a city she adores. They're supposed to transfer back there in a year's time.

She was lovely to talk with. Her son was adorable.

And afterwards, as I walked away, I had that familiar regret of not having exchanged at least e-mail addresses with her. I wished suddenly that I had some form of calling card because I'd really like to meet up again one day.

Oh, well. Perhaps our paths will cross again.


One of those kindred spirits passing by through my life...leaving a warm and fuzzy remembrance.

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