Thursday, October 12, 2006

Makes No Scents

So I was doing my weekly trek 'round Wal-mart while the kids were enjoying their once-a-week homeschool learning group. Since I started blogging last Spring, I've begun to look at stuff differently, seeing "blogging" ideas in various places. I guess it's re-energized my writer senses and creative juices. I'm enjoying it quite a bit!

Speaking of senses, reminds me of the various scents I saw while perusing the "air fresheners and candles" aisle: Sunny Laundry (huh?), Crisp Cotton (more...huh?), Angel Whispers.... I was especially laughing at the last one. Angel Whispers. I don't know about you, but when someone whispers to me they don't always have the nicest of breath. Not sure I'd like this scent, though my hubby assured me that, presumably, angels don't have bad breath.

I went to Glade and saw the various scents listed under their "Fragrance Landscape." I've listed them here for your enjoyment:

Suddenly Spring (sounds startling). Refreshing Springs. Berry Burst and Berry Splash (both sound messy). Cranberry Delight and Everlasting Pine (the first one sounds like a dessert). Dewberry Dreams (Confused? So am I). Delicate Petals. Glistening Snow (I've never been able to smell any scent in snow.). Hawaiian Breeze (I've not been to Hawaii, but does it really smell like fruit everywhere you go?). Ocean Blue (salt water, fish, and crab scents?). Vanilla Breeze. Watermelon Rush (Who knew? Is this like the rush you get from drugs?).

Very descriptive....but do we actually think of the names they give to these scents? Some of them just don't make "scents."


Stuart said...

How about...

Laundry Basket
Teenager's Room
Office Microwave


Susie said...

LOVE them!!