Happy Monday to you on this third Monday in May.
Happy 2nd Birthday to my blog!! Wow!! I cannot believe I've been rambling for that long. Well, some who know me well might not be surprised. *grin*
Time is whizzing along this year. I always feel like when you have something important happening in the future that you just have to be ready for -- oh, like maybe a wedding or the birth of a baby -- that time goes especially fast to keep you on your toes.
It's certainly doing that to us.
We went to a rabbit show this past Saturday. I've had rabbits since I was 11 and showed them a few times in the Reading Fair when I was a teenager, but I've never before been to a rabbit show. It was kind of exciting for me.
I had in mind to get another Holland Lop -- a doe named Audrey to breed with my bucks. I found her the instant I walked into the building but knew that it was important to see what other bunnies might be available. I ended up returning to buy her. She's absolutely precious as you can see
While we were there, we ran into several of the 4-H members from our club. They were all showing rabbits. It looks like it might be fun to try sometime. Emily was excited.
We also saw a bunny that had "1 leg" written on the for sale listing. We all had great pity for this rabbit that we thought only had one leg in the front until another 4-H member explained that it had "one leg" earned from showing. Apparently a rabbit -- or any animal being shown -- that wins 3 legs is considered close to a champion or something. Duh, us. We felt a bit embarrassed but laughed at our naivete. Live and learn, right?
The basement project is coming along. It won't be long before I'm able to move the stuff from the school room to our new craft and computer area. Stuart painted the new wall that he built and put up some more shelves. I spent most of Saturday afternoon throwing out junk. I think I went through 7 boxes of stuff and threw most of it out. Yay!!
This is a huge step for me since I'm a "recovering packrat." But it's very liberating so I'll keep going with it. Trash Day is tomorrow!!!
More tidbits are coming out about the
24: Season 7 prequel and the regular season. It all looks very exciting! Still 9 months to go...a bit too long to start up the countdown clock. But it won't be long. The filming crew is heading to South Africa at the end of the month to begin filming for the prequel. Yippee!!
We're nearly finished with school for the year. It's winding down quickly, and both kids are very excited to be able to sing: "No more pencils! No more books! No more teacher's dirty looks!" Not that I'm in the habit of giving dirty looks...too often.
Edward's soccer game was rained out yesterday. The rain was coming down in sheets. Guess they're not as "diehard" as we thought. *wink* Emily has her dress rehearsal for the recital tonight. It's her last Monday class for the year since next week is a holiday and the following Sunday is her recital. She's really excited...and a tad nervous, too, I think.
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• bowers of honeysuckle
• an enchanting landscape
• small limestone cottages
• the first roller coaster ride of the summer
• fish and chips
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I hate fish.
I've never liked it --
When my mom made anything with fish -- like tuna casserole or something with shrimp -- she'd was very kind and always make mine plain without the fish part.
I remember telling the other kids in my kindergarten class that I was "allergic" to tuna fish. Of course, I didn't realize what that really meant. I thought you were allergic to things you didn't like...like boys or chores...or fish.
But when I moved to England I made an exception to this negative feeling towards the swimming white meat.
Because I was introduced to "fish-n-chips."
My mouth salivates even thinking about this "delicacy" wrapped in newsprint -- now wrapped in plain white butcher paper.
I'm not sure why this kind of fish made it under my dislike radar... Maybe it's the crunchy outside? Or the salt and vinegar? Or the crunchy chips that go alongside of it?
Any way you slice it, it's just plain yummy!
Oh, look! It's lunchtime. Sigh, if only I could find some somewhere nearby...
How much is a ticket to England? *wink*