Tradition, tradition! Tradition!
Tradition, tradition! Tradition!
Who, day and night, must scramble for a living,
Feed a wife and children, say his daily prayers?
And who has the right, as master of the house,
To have the final word at home?
The Papa, the Papa! Tradition.
The Papa, the Papa! Tradition.
Who must know the way to make a proper home,
A quiet home, a kosher home?
Who must raise the family and run the home,
So Papa's free to read the holy books?
The Mama, the Mama! Tradition!
The Mama, the Mama! Tradition!
At three, I started Hebrew school. At ten, I learned a trade.
I hear they've picked a bride for me. I hope she's pretty.
The son, the son! Tradition!
The son, the son! Tradition!
And who does Mama teach to mend and tend and fix,
Preparing me to marry whoever Papa picks?
The daughter, the daughter! Tradition!
The daughter, the daughter! Tradition!
Tradition, tradition! Tradition!
Who, day and night, must scramble for a living,
Feed a wife and children, say his daily prayers?
And who has the right, as master of the house,
To have the final word at home?
The Papa, the Papa! Tradition.
The Papa, the Papa! Tradition.
Who must know the way to make a proper home,
A quiet home, a kosher home?
Who must raise the family and run the home,
So Papa's free to read the holy books?
The Mama, the Mama! Tradition!
The Mama, the Mama! Tradition!
At three, I started Hebrew school. At ten, I learned a trade.
I hear they've picked a bride for me. I hope she's pretty.
The son, the son! Tradition!
The son, the son! Tradition!
And who does Mama teach to mend and tend and fix,
Preparing me to marry whoever Papa picks?
The daughter, the daughter! Tradition!
The daughter, the daughter! Tradition!
I've always loved that song from Fiddler on the Roof. To hear my family talk, I should have been born Jewish -- I love traditions that much.
But, now as a mother, I find myself forgetting to teach my children some of the timeless traditions I grew up with -- some of them important, others just fun.
Maybe it's the busyness of life or just a plain forgetfulness? But, thankfully, something usually sparks a memory, and I get my chance.
Today was one of those days.
We were in the grocery store yesterday, and Emily spotted Marshmallow Fluff, begging me to buy some.
The practical side of me said no way.
The healthy side of me said no way.
But then I spotted the words "fluffernutter sandwich" on the side of the container and found myself wistfully saying, "Oh, okay."
There was a cheaper storebrand alternative in a smaller pot, but I decided that only the namebrand would do...besides the ingredients were much more straight-forward on the good stuff.
So today Emily had her first-ever fluffernutter sandwich (Edward politely declined on the grounds that he didn't think he'd like peanut butter and marshmallows together...even though he likes both very much).
I justified the sugary sweetness of such a lunch with the fact that I only buy natural peanut butter that contains no sugar. Still, the marshmallow fluff more than makes up for that.
Afterwards, Emily exclaimed -- her lips smacking happily -- that she LOVES these sandwiches.
To which Stuart replied, "Great! You can have another one next month."
I have never tried that kind of sandwich before, maybe I will have to! I was definitely the tradition-keeper in the family as well. And I buy the natural peanut butter, but then I got frustrated because it didn't have the oils to make it gooey. When I put it in the fridge it hardened together into a giant unusable glob. Then some friends suggested putting it in the microwave before I spread it. Works like a charm!! :-D
Those are my hubby's favorite sandwiches and we have them whenever it strikes our fancy.
We buy the natural peanut butter too, but I find that if I store it upside down, it stays creamy and the oil is evenly distributed!
Oh how I love the thought of a fluufernutter right now! You know they make an organic marshmallow fluff--probably at your health food store. I haven't tried it--but I am a regular watcher of TLC's "John and Kate plus Eight" (wonderful reality show about a young couple raising twins and septuplets). On one episode she made them fluffernutters with organic marshmallow fluff and she said it tasted awesome. I need to run out and get me some!
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