I enjoyed a wonderful Mother's Day yesterday -- my last one as a "mommy of two." I hope all the other mothers out there enjoyed their day, too.
I received lots of very thoughtful gifts, including (but not limited to) two lovely maternity tops, a giftcard to Motherhood Maternity, some chocolates and Laffy Taffy, and a game made of "Hand Grafted Wood." My two favorites from the kids were very interesting... Edward gave me a glass banana that he "couldn't resist," and Emily found a silk and plastic strawberry plant in a little plastic terracotta pot. Stuart took them to the Dollar Store to pick out some presents and told them to pick them from their hearts. That's what makes me love their gifts so much: the enthusiasm and thought that goes into their choices. I'm still not sure what I'll do with a glass banana and plastic strawberries. Stuart suggested a fruit salad? *grin*
The glass banana reminded me of a Mother's Day back when Emily was 2 1/2. Stuart took her out for the first time to choose presents for me. He made all sorts of suggestions, but Emily -- God bless her -- has always had a mind of her own. She headed straight to the aisle in the store that had what she wanted to give me: soup. She picked out a can of Healthy Request Chicken Noodle Soup because she knew I loved soup and couldn't have MSGs. It was the sweetest gift I'd ever received from a 2-year-old. Then I'd made a special request for a "mommy t-shirt" since I was a newer mommy and saw lots of cute ones out there... So Stuart guided her, soup in hand, to the t-shirts. He showed her ones with kittens and puppies on them. And others with teddy bears. She picked out one with barns on it that said, "Mom's Barn, Mom's Rules." Always one for the unique. But I wouldn't change her an iota. *wink*
Edward wondered this morning if bees can survive in water -- one of those questions that randomly pops out of his brain. I said I didn't think so, and he said he was glad. (He's not a lover of bugs.) Then he went on to tell me about the little black bug that he saved from Emily's bath the other night. Apparently, this little black bug became his friend. Edward put him on the window ledge in the bathroom to dry off. I smiled. Not the sort of reaction I expected from my anti-bug son. "Then I flushed him in the toilet," he said. Ah. Not the sort of ending I'd expected...so I laughed. "Well, Emily wanted me to squoosh him," he added. I guess a watery execution after being saved from a watery death is kinder than being "squooshed" outright. Doesn't that come under Amendment #8 of the Constitution: "Prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment?"
I don't know if their curiosity comes from being homeschooled or if it's just inherently a part of who they are. But I think I've finally figured out why it takes my daughter sooooooo long to finish her studies each day... She thinks beyond the lesson to the stories behind the examples.
For instance, on Friday when we were doing her spelling assessment, I read the word "jackknife" to her and the sentence from the teacher's manual that went with it. She paused and then wondered how old the boy in the sentence was and was he old enough to carry a knife and.... I stopped her before her mind began to whir out of control. Then as she was doing her math -- which included several lessons on planning for a party using averaging and budgeting and multi-step math problems -- she began to think which food would look nicest on the paper products she'd chosen based on her math budget...then she was considering the healthy choices versus junk food (it is a party afterall).... All great ideas, but I had to keep reminding her to finish her math...it's just an assignment...not real.
All this said, and I wonder how often her assignments send her into a dreamworld of wondering over things that don't exist... As I've said before, Emily doesn't think "outside the box"...she doesn't even see a box. *grin*
I saw some cool photos from Season 7 of 24 today. Only 8 months until the show returns...not that I'm rushing the year or anything. *wink* We have a lot happening between now and then, most importantly bringing a new member into our family...
Speaking of which, we had another ultrasound today...and all is well! (Thank You, God!!) But the doctor couldn't tell with any certainty what the gender of our beloved "Leechie" is. Ah, well. I wanted to know but didn't. I felt like it was opening a gift before the occasion. Still, it would have made it easier to sort out the clothing. *sigh* It was very interesting to have him point out and measure all the various parts, even though all of us felt a little bit of confusion about what we were seeing. So only another 16 weeks until we know for sure...
...which means I should get back to the laundry and organizing and cleaning...
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