Thursday, June 14, 2007

To Tell the Tooth

Emily, April 2004
Our "Gappy Girl" hasn't been "gappy" in a number of months, but somehow a few days ago she discovered a tooth she'd forgotten to leave out for the Tooth Fairy.

*We didn't realize she was still a "believer."*

Still, she got out a snack-sized ziploc bag and dutifully dropped the tooth inside. She put it under her pillow that night and happily awaited the Fairy's present.

Nothing came. She awoke in the morning and lamented that the Fairy had forgotten her.


We explained that the Tooth Fairy must have been expecting her tooth many, many months earlier...when she'd actually lost it. Perhaps she wasn't expecting to make a visit to our house.

Then I offered to e-mail her...


So under the pillow the tooth went for another attempt at hopefully wooing the Fairy to leave something in exchange for her chopper.

*A quick reminder and a mad dash for a baggie and some change...*

Our daughter was thrilled this morning when she awoke to see the 8 dimes the Tooth Fairy "left" for her. She proudly showed each of us and was glad I'd e-mailed her to remind her.

*Sigh...Oh, the webs we weave...*

* * *

Emily could have followed Edward's advice, "You can still get her to stop by even if you lose your just have to sleep with your mouth open so she can see the hole." Apparently, he read that somewhere, so it must be true.

Mind the gap.


Anonymous said...

I've forgotton before too, and paid the price!

To cute...I love her smile.
thanks for the funnies.

Angel at Aduladi' said...

ROFL!!! Too much! I loved your recovery however. Quick thinking to the rescue.