Saturday, June 23, 2007


Our children were outside, enjoying a popsicle after dinner the other evening. Stuart and I were doing various tasks inside.

Suddenly, the screams of a thousand banshees, the howls of a wolf pack in pain, the cries of a nation of people in deep agony (no exaggeration) reached our ears.

Nightmare images rushed through our brains as we hurried to the backdoor to see what tragedy awaited us.

In came two bright red, tear-stained faces with wide mouths still bawling.

"What happened???" we demanded in unison.

Emily held up a broken plastic cup...her favorite.....


We didn't know whether to smack them or love them, the worry their yells brought to us...

We chose the latter and hugged them, reassuring them that it was just a "thing" -- although a favorite thing -- and we could buy another one soon (we hope).

Then as quickly as the emotions began, they stopped.

And all was right with the world again.


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