Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Thoughts

Happy Father's Day

to my hubby, my dad, and my father-in-law!!
They truly do give us something to be happy about!

indulging Dad
• smells of basil and chive
• winning an auction on eBay
• shish kebabs
• a dream dictionary on your bedside table

One of the presents I gave my hubby this year was a book about Hollywood Dads. I love coffee table books filled with wonderful photos, and we both love anything done by Paul Reiser. This book didn't disappoint us. Full of black-and-white photographs of actors we know and love, smiling happily with their little/big offspring, the book shows that these men are just as human as the rest of us. And totally capable of loving their little ones.

I took the above photos of my honey with our little people and placed them in the front of the book. I decided that even though Stuart doesn't live in Hollywood, he'll always be my favorite star...and deserves the most prominent place in this book.


1 comment:

Stuart said...

Thanks for being so wonderful to me! And thanks for a great Father's Day! You're the best!