Tuesday, September 02, 2008

What I Want (Apparently)...

I've been "tagged" by Elizabeth over at Who Died and Made You Queen? to play a little game.

Here are the rules: Go to the search engine of your choice and type in "[your first name] wants" and post the first ten results below. Hers made her (and me) giggle. Mine...well, you be the judge. *wink*

1. Susie wants an S&M Barbie!
2. Susie wants to buy a new car.
3. Susie wants new clothes.
4. Susie wants to go home.
5. Susie wants to play with Maja in the snow.
6. Susie wants to cook.
7. Susie wants him with her because he's such a strong competitor.
8. Susie wants to play.
9. Susie wants to learn something new.
10. Susie wants a fun bassist.

Since this could have changed the "ratings" of my blog *wink* (I'm amazed by the desires of ladies with my name), I decided to go past a few of the "top 10" to some more "family-friendly" ones.

I won't "tag" anyone formally. But have a go at this. It's funny! And it does make you laugh!



Anonymous said...

So sorry - had computer problems and disappeared for the weekend. These are a hoot! As you saw, I was so tickled by mine that I kept trying other names. Hope your week is off to a good start! :-)

carebear said...

eeek. Looking at your's reminds me to do mine. Off to google now. :)