Tuesday, September 30, 2008

On Cuteness and Babies and Survival

Ethan Samuel ready and in "uniform"
Stuart has long said that God blessed babies with cuteness for survival.

I mean, one look at their round, cherubic faces and tiny toes and fingers, and there's no way you can possibly get frustrated with their screaming for two hours straight at 2 a.m., right? In fact, you'll think nothing of gazing lovingly into their angry, reddened faces and murmuring sweet nothings for two more hours to get them to settle, right?

Hmm... Don't be fooled.

Survival or not, their cuteness is a ploy...a form of trickery meant to wrap us around their tiny pinkie fingers. They know that no human adult can resist their teeny-tiny diapers...their sweet fleecy PJs...their fluffy booties.

It's all part of their "basic training" before they arrive at our houses...to worm their way into our hearts with their smiles and coos and giggles.

But, beware, or they'll "terrorize" you at 1 a.m. with their intense gaze of love and sweet baby burps, followed by...

What was it that that movie said?

Just don't feed them...after...midnight...Zzzzzzz...


1 comment:

Jadie said...

Awww, Ethan inspires you all the time!!! Beautiful written... And Stuart is right....there cuteness and the love you feel for them makes you forget all the hard moments!