Saturday, September 20, 2008

On Love, Appreciation, and...Adjustments

Well, it's almost been a week since our newest family member joined us. And, as we knew ahead of time, it has been a week of adjustments...easy and hard.

There is nothing quite so precious as a baby. The kids are "in love" with Ethan...though not so much with his crying at times. *grin* (Can't say that Stuart and I are fans either.) But as we keep reminding them, this time will pass very quickly, and it's his only way to communicate with us at the moment.

I wanted to use this post to say a HUGE thank you to all those who have commented and/or passed on their congratulations to us. I feel awful not commenting personally to each and everyone of you. But I wanted to be sure you knew that your thoughts, prayers, and love are so very much appreciated by us.

It's an emotional roller coaster to incorporate a new baby into a family. The amount of love and euphoria you feel in the beginning starts to wane a bit in proportion to the lack of sleep and amount of change felt by everyone. It's an exciting, but exhausting, time.

But it's also a fleeting time. When we realized that Ethan is nearly a week old..well, that just amazed us. All those months, weeks, days, and then hours of waiting for him... Kind of makes your head swim, doesn't it? And this is only the beginning.

Thanks for joining us on this journey. Thanks for loving him with us. Thanks for being our friends!

The joy has just begun!!

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