Monday, September 22, 2008

Musings on Babies, Kids, and Mondays

Happy Monday to you on this the Autumnal Equinox! (Apparently, Autumn arrives at 11:44 a.m. Emily wondered how they know the exact time, but I'm guessing it has something to do with the sun or something scientific.)

I'm on my own today...with three kids... [Insert scary music and screams.] Stuart had to go back to work today. He enjoyed some bonding time with all of us last week and was a great help to me!! And although we miss him already, we know we'll do just fine. I still have two wonderful helpers with me. (See photo above.)

Our little Ethan turned a week old yesterday and celebrated the occasion by getting a bellybutton. (It made me think about the future a bit and hope that he doesn't celebrate any other special milestones with a bellybutton ring.) Hard to believe, huh? We're still settling in with him, but he's been a good baby so far, very bright-eyed and expressive. It's makes us excited to see him in a few months.

Edward had his first soccer game of the season yesterday. His team is called the "Orange Crush" in honor of their bright orange jerseys. It's a great name, I think. They won 4-0. I felt bad for the other team, especially when I overheard one of the players say to his parents afterwards, "We lost...again." And as is typical in watching games of this age group, you had two blobs of color all going for the ball. At one point Stuart and I wondered if we were watching a rugby match instead.

In other news...

Phew! Is there really time for other news yet? *wink-grin*

More soon!

1 comment:

Angel at Aduladi' said...

Seerena's team is "Orange Crush" too! What a hoot!