Wednesday, April 23, 2008

St. George's Day Update

Well, I decided to follow Stuart's Legend of St. George's Day Food (see post below) and make "hot" wings for all of us. I added in "chips and beans" to make it as authentically English as possible...

With excitement, we declared the meal a new tradition for St. George's Day every year -- to follow in the footsteps of green eggs and ham on St. Patrick's Day.

(Let's just say we may have been a bit tastes are very individual in our they are in most households, I'm guessing.)

The kids have been coveting the idea of wings since we first started making them to eat during our Monday night 24 viewing 2 years ago. So today I rushed out when Stuart was home for lunch to get a bag of chicken wings so we could all enjoy them for dinner...

(I meant to pick up some nuggets, too...)

The idea of wings sounded good in their heads, but in reality neither kid was eager to eat them...after only one bite. Even with the chosen wing sauces of Ranch and Honey Mustard the wings were less than appealing to them.

Edward declared them to "taste like rubber chicken flavored with chicken taste."

Ah, well. Note to self: Next year, remember the nuggets.

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