Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Half-Birthday, Busyness, and Fun!

Well, our 10-year-old turns 10-and-a-half today.


It doesn't seem possible that it's only another half a year until she's 11. Not sure I'm ready to be Mommy to a palindrome-aged child.

We started our little silly tradition when each of the kids turned 6 months old. But since it was such a fun tradition, we didn't want to give it up. I guess we will at some point.

And since Emily and I share a birthday, I decided that this might give her a day that's WHOLLY her own.

(I know. I know. Technically, it's my "half-birthday," too. But who wants to rush growing older when you're already past the fun ages? *wink*)

So after doing schoolwork all day -- interrupted by a visit to the eye doctor to have my contact lens training -- and a quick trip to the post office to drop off our local taxes, a pizza dinner, and soccer practice, we went out to Baskin Robbins for an ice cream cone and then home for some fun, simple prezzies.


Hopefully, Emily enjoyed the day...even if it was a rather busy one.


Anonymous said...

Happy half-birthday to both of you!!! :-)

Jadie said...

Oh Elizabeth, I just wanted to say the same. Susie, I think you're still in the FUN ages darling!!!

Anonymous said...

Susie we used to celebrate my son's half birthdays too! It petered out a couple years ago when he got (in his mind) too old, which made me sad. But I have great memories of serving him cupcakes or an ice cream sundae for breakfast to celebrate the 'milestone' of the 'halfs'!! :)