Friday, May 08, 2009

Friday Funnies

I got this funny in an e-mail from Karen over at This and That. It's a hilarious "debate" between two churches in a small Southern town. Read on, and enjoy a funny Friday!

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Do Dogs Go To Heaven?

This is literally a "church signs" debate between Our Lady of Martyrs Catholic Church and Beulah Cumberland Presbyterian Church. From top to bottom shows you the response and counter-response over time. The Catholics seem to be displaying a much better sense of humor. One does get the impression that the Presbyterians are actually taking this seriously. The churches face each other across a busy street.


carebear said...

hee hee...I still think it's funny. :)

Jadie said...

Amen to that!!! Hilarious, we'll all go to heaven, it's a safe idea that all the rocks are there too ;-).