A belated Happy Mother's Day to all of my mommy-friends out there! Hope you enjoy our special day.
My weekend started off on a somewhat frustrating note...and it was mostly downhill from there, I think. (My poor family! They tried...mostly.)
Friday evening was supposed to be Edward's soccer practice. I have a mental block on activity times this year and had to keep reminding myself all day that he had practice at 5:30. So finally figuring out something light, easy, yet nourishing, to make for dinner, I managed to get it made and in our bellies with 5 minutes to spare...meaning we'd be only a few minutes late. Well, we got there a few minutes late all right, but there was no practice since there was a three-day soccer tournament for the older players. Oh, well. C'est la vie.
Heading home, I decided to stop at the store to get some things I needed for the weekend. Unbeknownst to me, I somehow got separated from my wallet somewhere between the checkouts and our car. I didn't notice this until Saturday afternoon.
Whilst all this was happening, my beloved was flying (or trying to fly) home from Houston, where he spent the past 7 (count 'em) whole days away from us. Sigh. (I know. I know. There are many wives and kids who have to be apart from their honeys for much, much longer...we were weak this time.) Anyways... His first flight -- which would have gotten him into Philadelphia sometime after 10 p.m. -- was scrapped due to a "broken plane," and a new plane was ordered with a new departure time that would get him into Philly sometime after 2 a.m. I catnapped between calls but decided to wait up for him to arrive home after 4 a.m. Not my best plan, but I'd missed him so much...and had way too much coffee by that point. He climbed into bed around quarter-to-five, and I decided there was little point since our little guy would be waking up for the day between 6:30 and 7. Two hours (possibly) of sleep does not a nice mommy make.
Plus, Emily had tryouts for her ballet school's "jr. company" at 9:30 a.m. There was no way I wanted to oversleep that. So Saturday morning was a bit of a fuzzy foggy blur...until I realized that I'd lost my wallet. Somehow knowing that you've lost what is basically the "heart" of your purse (and life) makes your senses go on high alert.
We searched the car. We searched the house. We searched the yard. We called the store. Stuart and the kids even drove around the parking lot of the store, hoping beyond hope that if it was dropped that maybe someone didn't notice it. But no soap.
Ah, well. I've begun the arduous task of rebuilding my wallet. In time, this will just be a "bad memory" blip on my life's timeline.
The wallet incident and extreme tiredness factored into a somewhat disheveled and less-than-ideal Mother's Day for me. It was not that my family didn't try, per se, and they did give me some awesome gifts and very thoughtful cards (their excitment ahead of time was contagious!). Edward added to my glass fruit collection with a marbleized "lemon." *wink-grin* He also gave me a "growing angel" and a cat statue that is perfect for remembering him and his love of cats. And Emily gave me some beautiful pink silk flowers, a very colorful windmill flower for the garden, and some yummy cookies. Both kids made me some coupons to use for things likes hugs, kisses, and gumballs. Ethan picked out something by telepathy. He got me a fun game to play with him. My gift from Stuart will arrive on the 19th in the form of 24 - Season 7!!!!! Yippee!!
Speaking of 24... Another exciting episode tonight. My fingers are already fearful of being eaten. Next week is the season finale already. Yikes. I wonder how they're going to get Jack out of this one. But enough on that. I feel my stomach already trying to tie itself in knots.
We dedicated Ethan at church on Sunday. As with a lot of Protestant denominations, our church follows Jesus' parents' example of dedicating Him to the Lord. We don't believe it suddenly makes Ethan into a saint or saves his soul, but we presented him to God and pledged before God and our church to teach him the ways of the Bible, God's Word. It made it extra special to do it on Mother's Day and have my parents be there.
And speaking of Ethan -- who is nearly 8 months old -- he's working on cutting his first tooth (you can just about see it), crawling, rolling over, and clapping. Busy guy, huh? That's exactly it. I really feel like babies get "ants in their pants" around this age, and suddenly the content little one who sat on a blanket and chewed contentedly on toys wants to go, go, go!! Ethan is immensely curious about everything. He always been observant, but now his head is constantly spinning around, as he tries to see what's on every wall and every shelf. He keeps us laughing and smiling.
That joy is a gift all in itself.
Have a happy Monday!
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