It was bound to happen.
It had to happen.
We finally joined the ranks of families with *gasp* a minivan.
[Insert scary music and horror screams here.]
Okay. Okay. Now that I've offended a huge percentage of the population with 2.5 or more kids *gulp*...I'll try to explain.
I've never been a "groupie." I'm not a conformist -- though I'm not a traditional non-conformist either...no black clothes or dreadlocks for me.
So I guess I'm a non-traditional nonconformist.
Getting back to the subject above.
Whenever we go to our homeschool group, I pull our little burgundy station wagon -- named "Speedy" -- into a sea of minivans. It's like it's the mandatory family vehicle, especially for anyone who homeschools or has kids who play...soccer.
That's part of the problem, I guess. I've always seen minivans as a "middle-aged soccer mom-mobile." Hence, my avoidance of this particular type of vehicle. Until this year, I was not a soccer mom...and until this year, I didn't consider myself on my way to "middle age."
Okay. Okay. I guess I've seen the light...or gotten pregnant with child #3...or realized I'm on my way to 38 this year.
Anyway you put it, somewhere around month 3 of this pregnancy, we realized our station wagon (not built like those of days past) would be way too small for three kids. With the advent of laws regarding kids' safety and carseats, we suddenly saw that there is no way that we can fit two carseats and three kids in the narrowness of our car.
So we knew we needed to get busy looking for another vehicle.
We've happily lived with one car for about six years now. It's been nice in some ways and a pain in the butt in others. But it's doable, and we did it.
Yet, it was inevitable that a second car would be needed. Our poor 11-year-old "Speedy" has nearly 138,000 miles on it...so regardless of new babies on the way, our family was facing the need for something completely reliable again.
We considered the possibilities and realized there wasn't any choice...we needed a minivan.
It would be convenient...and big enough...and offer us a chance to have friends/family join us on trips. Something we haven't ever been able to do.
All that aside, I can't avoid the fact that I am indeed a middle-aged soccer mom now.
Now off to find one of those cute little soccerball magnets...
Introducing the yet-unnamed vehicle: a "certified pre-owned" (a euphamism for used) 2007 Hyundai Entourage.
HA! Welcome friend. You are becoming one of us. Resistance is futile...
Looks great!! We have been talking about going yet another step in the goober transformation and getting a full size van. Then we would look like a "real" homeschooling family (break out the denim jumpers!)!
LOLOL!! Denim jumpers indeed!
Good luck to you in the bigger mobile! This one is 2 feet (at least) longer than our other car making me nervous to drive it. But I know I'll get used to it. Still, I told Stuart yesterday that we're not going any bigger! I plan on downsizing to a Mazda Miata or Mini Cooper once the munchkins are on their way out of the house. In bright red! *wink*
Well, that's my plans...God could decide otherwise...
My sympathies on the minivan. I think it's like wearing comfortable shoes. You know, when you're younger you don't care how much your feet hurt if the shoes are cute. At some point, you just have to be able to walk. Three kids is definitely that point! We love our minivan for the space and towing capacity, but it's for sure not the coolest thing I've ever driven. Some day...there's a Mustang with my name on it, just waiting...
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