Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A Wrinkle in Time

I put this on my "other" blog -- which is now defunct -- and thought it contained a lesson worth keeping close to my heart.

Enjoy a snapshot in my life nearly two years ago:

Sunday, March 26, 2006 - Phew! A New Week Dawns...

We are excited to begin a new week....not that I wish Time to speed by any quicker than it already does. Last week held enough excitement for about a month of weeks though.

My hubby finally returned [from Qatar] on Tuesday evening -- complete with remnants of a cold. Poor guy!!

The kids kept wondering how he could get a cold in the desert. (And apparently you "can't" get a fever in Antarctica. Hmmm....I don't think germs think about climates. LOL! There's a homeschooling lesson in there somewhere. )

Just 10 minutes before we were to pick him up, Edward decided to "nosedive" off his sister's loftbed. It took me a moment to figure out where the blood was pouring from. (Our family has a history of knocking out teeth so my first reaction anytime a child falls is to check the mouth.) He had hit his nose, and after a few moments I got the nosebleed to stop. I kept praising God that he wasn't hurt more than that...considering what could have happened.

Meanwhile...Stuart was waiting for us....and the brownies were burning.... Aaaaa!

I asked the kids when the timer went off for the welcome-home brownies we'd made and both said, "A few minutes ago."

Needless to say, I wasn't "keeping it together" any longer.

So after 22 days of keeping everyone safe and in check [while Stuart was away] , we managed to "lose" it all in the last 10 minutes.

We collected ourselves (including my sanity), straightened hair (including my newly popped-out gray ones), washed faces, and went to get Daddy. All was well again...

...until Friday when poor Stuart ended up in bed with shivers and fever and an "angry tummy" (to borrow Edward's phrase). After two days in bed with lots of rest and bland food, he seems to have recovered for the most part.

Now, it's Emily's turn for a cold, which, if it had to happen, is good timing since she completed her PSSAs with flying colors (thanks everyone for your prayers!), and we survived the one-hour drive shuttling her there and back...and another student's throwing-up in the middle of the test.

As I'm learning (slowly, I'm afraid), our homeschooling lessons aren't always meant for the children. I'm continually taught about God's timing and waiting on Him....and that patience isn't just a "virtue"'s a necessity!!


Angel at Aduladi' said...

I remember that well! It seems like not so long ago, but wow, has time gone quickly...

Stuart said...

Wow! I thought that I was having a rough morning until your reminder of what you went through!

Thanks for the memories!