I loved this photo of Kiefer Sutherland and Kyra Sedgwick. As Benny said on her blog: Their expressions say it all. Only one week until Kiefer finishes his time in jail. Yay! I admire him for not whining about his punishment or asking to be let out early....like so many other Hollywood-types. (No names mentioned.)
The premiere of Season 7 of 24 was meant to air last night and tonight. But, alas, the writers' strike continues. *sniff...sniff...grrr!* So no word as to when the new season will actually air. I've been working my way through Season 1 as I fold laundry each week...makes the whole chore so much more enjoyable. *wink*
We had a relatively uneventful weekend, just enjoying being together as a family. Sometimes Life gets so busy that we forget to take the time to just relax together.
Emily and I picked up her new glasses yesterday. (See the above pic I took in the store right after she got them...she wasn't pleased that she's not looking her "best.") She looks very stylish in them and mostly loves wearing them. We went out for a "girls' time" afterwards and chatted about life and boys and growing up. She's in such a betwixt time...wanting to stay little but wanting to grow up, too. And society doesn't help in this battle, encouraging kids to be big before they need to be. *sigh*
Heard in Sunday School yesterday: Stuart asked our pre-k/kindergartners if they remembered any of the Ten Commandments that we'd learned the week before. Most remembered some of them, and one clever, little boy said, "Do not cover your neighbor's wife or any of his possessions." Hmm, brings a new spin to some of the others.
The weather has yet to decide if we're really in Winter...which suits me fine. I realized I'm a bit of a "snow Grinch." I'm not very keen on the wet, white stuff...at all. I think it all began when we were still living in the city. I remember getting snow in my shoes and down my shirt as I tried to get Edward (then a baby in an infant seat) into the car after...whacking my head on the car as I did so. My snow hatred is understandable, no? *grin*
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• birthday banners
• burning incense
• standing by someone you love
• proposing a toast
• a mean game of solitaire
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Edward has been all about Solitaire these days.
He's been finishing his school lessons early and eagerly asks for his cards to be shuffled so that he can lay them out for a new game.
Last week I took my computer with us to use in the cafe while Emily was in dance class. I was hoping to catch up on my Monday Musings...
Sadly, there was no wireless Internet -- either the service was down or disconnected -- so I couldn't write my blog entry.
But I could show Edward the Solitaire on the computer.
He was amazed and played game after game. (He must have forgotten how often he used to watch Stuart play it.)
The great thing?
He still enjoys playing it with real cards on a real table...and he doesn't mind calling a game "dead" and starting a new one, knowing that this one might be the one that he wins.
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