Monday, January 21, 2008

Merriest of Merry Monday Musings`

Happy Monday to you!

New day, new week, new excitements!

Yay! Yay! YAY!

My favorite-most actor finished his time in jail and is now back home. I've been intrigued by the various articles written about it, quoting the policemen from the jail. They all agree that he was a "model prisoner" who "paid his debt to society with complaining or asking for any special treatment." I'm glad for his sake that it's all over. And, as I said before, I'm proud to call myself a fan. He handled the whole situation with dignity and honor, not running away from what happened but facing it. How many of us would act likewise in such a challenge?

I'm going to New York tomorrow to meet up with two Kiefer fans/friends I met on another blog. It's such fun to think that you can actually make nice friends online...not everyone is a stalker or pervert, looking to hurt young children.

No news on the writers' strike. We're still waiting for 24 to resume filming so that there might actually be a season this year... Ugh! In the meantime, we're still enjoying The Closer and some episodes of the X-Files (previously my very favorite-most show...)

We played some games with the kids this past week and weekend. We realized that we hadn't done this in awhile and resumed this practice around the holidays. Gametime is always such a great connecting time with them. It's fun for all and teaches a lot about sportsmanship and cooperation.

One of the games we played was one we gave them this past Christmas called "Monopoly: Here and Now." It's fun and a great teaching tool for learning larger numbers (the smallest denomination you get is $10,000). It's also been fun to talk about the different landmarks you can buy, and instead of railroads, you can purchase the four major U.S. airports: LAX, JFK, Chicago, and Atlanta. The pieces are things like a cellphone, a hybrid car, a labradoodle, etc. This is not the "Monopoly" game that your grandma played, huh?

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• puddles of sunlight
• a bowl of buttered popcorn
• little girls in tutus
• black pearls
• hardworking colleagues

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I think I was a cat in a previous life -- if I believed in such nonsense. I love sitting in "puddles of sunshine," watching the rays come in through the window, lighting up the bits of dust in the air.

I always imagined the dust I saw was actually atoms. I thought I must have the strongest and mightiest eyes around to be able to see actual atoms with my naked eye. Hmmm...

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Growing up, my family enjoyed popcorn. I mean we LOVED it.

It was a Friday night ritual to pull out the pot and pour the thin layer of oil and cover it with popcorn kernels.

(All this was before the invention of microwave popcorn, of course.)

If we had friends over, we'd pop corn. It was inexpensive and tasty. We'd eat it while watching movies and/or playing games and/or using the computer.

And forget popcorn chains for the Christmas tree. We wanted to eat it, not string it.

Then came microwave popcorn, and we continued to enjoy this yummy snack even more.

Fast-forward to 1988 and Swindon, England...

We'd moved to a foreign place with lots of new, interesting foods to get used to. We could still buy ice cream (another family favorite) -- though in only a few varieties at that time -- and occasionally we'd find something familiar amongst the unfamiliar on the grocery shelves.

But no popcorn.

Then one day we saw some microwave popcorn. It was like the heavens opened and the angels sang for us. We were so excited.

My dad bought the entire flatpack (some 30 or so packages?).

We've often wondered what the cashier thought when we arrived at the register with only these "30 or so packages" of microwave popcorn to buy...

Hey, what could we say then (or now)?

We LOVE popcorn!! *wink*

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