What a night!
Can I say how much I feel for Jack Bauer?? Poor man!
A very powerful and unexpected ending, which is exactly what you come to expect when you watch 24.
I could hear people crowing (they've been complaining all season!), saying that it wasn't "exciting" enough. But I think they did a great job of balancing the drama with the action. Afterall, the show isn't just about excitement.
The ending this year really made you think, ponder what Jack might actually be feeling after all he's been through.
A perfect finale given that this season was really more about Jack's emotional state of being. He's served his country for years and years, making countless sacrifices -- including losing his family and being imprisoned -- and at the "end of the day" he's alone.
I love stuff like that!! Really pulls on the emotional strings.
Of course, in true 24-style, you wait in hope/anticipation for something particular to happen. You just know it will. And it doesn't. That's their "schtick." Expect nothing since nothing is predictable.
And that's GOOD writing and suspense!!
Hats off to the actors, writers, directors, and producers (and everyone else who makes the show what it is)!! Thanks for another great season!
* * *
• stretching
• college kids home for the summer
• spring rolls and duck sauce
• a straw hat
• attending a film premier
* * *
As I rewatched the various episodes of Season 6 this week, I reflected on our exciting trip to New York City last September to see the screening of I Trust You to Kill Me.
I was watching Kiefer Sutherland, playing his character Jack Bauer, and thinking, "I met him. Actually had a photo with him and touched him."
Funny all these months later, huh?
But all that is just immature "schoolgirl crush" stuff when you consider the next thought I had, "He's a really nice guy."
Sure. he meets TONS of people all through the year (and I'm certain he doesn't remember any of us), but he took the time to autograph my Season 1 Episode Guide and have a photo with me -- with his arm around me. And he was kind and pleasant and extremely personable.
Makes me admire and appreciate his acting even more!!
If that's possible.
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