Monday, May 14, 2007

Merry Monday Musings

After an exciting, fun, and exhausting two-week holiday with my in-laws -- in from England -- we're slowly getting back to "normal." (Why is it that we always need a vacation after a vacation?) We certainly travelled around. Philadelphia, Ocean City, N.J., Strasburg, Reading Phillies.... All in all, it was a wonderful visit!! And we enjoyed seeing our friend, Mark, as well, who popped by for a one-day visit and joined us for a BBQ.

New week, new video (a great Jude Cole "oldie"), and new fun all around. This week marks the end of our homeschool learning group and AWANA. Amazing how quickly the schoolyear activities are winding down.

New episode of...24 tonight. Episode 22. Which means that next week is the FINALE of Season 6. We were commenting on how fast the season passed. Hearing lots of negative opinions about this season, but I disagree with most of them and think that once the season is viewed in succession (ie: as a DVD boxed set), people will find that they liked it more than they thought. Still in all, it is 24 so there are lots of twists in store for us tonight and next week. My nails are cringing as I type...

We celebrated Mother's Day yesterday with all of my family, enjoying some yummy quiches and salads.

We took my in-laws to a huge mall down near Philly. Edward heard us talking about it and wondered who "King Aprussia" was and where he was from. We told him the name of the mall was King of Prussia.

* * *

• sourdough baguettes
• hedge mazes
going barefoot at home
• thick slices of ham
• an unexpected inheritance
* * *

I love going barefoot. Inside. Outside. Anywhere, really. I despise shoes. Well, except in the snow.

My hubby is the opposite. He needs shoes and socks to feel comfortable. And he cannot understand my obsession with keeping my tootsies unclad.

The kids are definitely taking after me. They much prefer to be "nude" in the foot department. This bothers Stuart, especially since he believes they should wear steel-toed workboots.

I laugh and tell him it's all in my family ancestory. He thinks I'm crazy.

My great-grandfather was 1/2 Algonquin Indian and loved to be barefoot. Of course, that makes me about 1/16th Algonquin Indian....and the kids about 1/32nd.

Hmmmm..... Maybe it is just craziness...


Angel at Aduladi' said...

I can say honestly as someone who is 1/2 Indian, it does not matter! One drop in your blood and shoes are simply a bother! Long live barefoot seasons!

Susie said...

Yes, indeed!!

Stuart said...

It'll all end in tears! There are bees in the grass!