Sunday, September 03, 2006

Ready? Set? Drive!

Everyone has a stomping grounds of sorts, right? I have many, many. Not that I mind. But sometimes the memories all merge together in my head.

Well, we're off on our holiday trip to Nags Head, N.C. (If I ever get my scanner working again, I'll scan the photo of my first trip there when I was 3. Or maybe not. I forgot...I'm topless.)

One thing I enjoy about visiting places (new or old) is seeing different "stomping grounds" since it must be that sort of thing for some local folks.

We took a trip around Europe and I was more interested in seeing everyday life (Stuart thought that was another way of saying: shopping) than in seeing the sights and history. Mind you, I love history...but I can read about that. I cannot read about everyday life and really get the jist of it. You know, the smells, the sounds...seeing people going about their normal walking the kids to school, or driving to work, or doing the weekly grocery shopping.

So...get ready, get set, drive. Vacation time! And time to see "everyday life" in someone else's stomping ground.


Anonymous said...

Great post! I'm sure that I'm not the only one waiting to see that photo!!!


Susie said...

You're funny!