Saturday, September 16, 2006

Have Bunny, Will Travel

Anyone who has known me for awhile will know that I'm "rabbit-mad." Not that I'm not crazy about other stuff. We have six Himilayan Dwarf rabbits at the moment. Bonny and Clyde are the parents of two sets of twins: Bubble and Squeak; and Earl Grey and Clementine.

I've been raising rabbits since I was 11 and have always had at least one "sweet bun" around.

Lately, I've been stuck in a memory of my favorite little bunny, Peepers. She was my well-traveled, very spoiled, well-loved British bunny. I had her for about 5.5 years. I always joked that she needed an odometer on her because she traveled at least 5,000 miles in her lifetime, much of it in a straw African bag while aboard a train...not sure what British Rail's policy was for bunny ticketing.

One particular story that I recounted to someone recently was a trip I made through London at rush hour on a Friday.

I was trying to get back to Swindon from Brighton (see this: British Rail Map). I had a small animal carrier, a laptop computer, and a small piece of luggage....and I went from Brighton to Victoria Station through the London Underground to Paddington Station and then on to Swindon. Inside the pet carrier was Peepers, my ever-trusting, ever-faithful rabbit, and Hobnob, a little Russian Dwarf hamster in her own little crate.

All was going well, until I realized I was traveling at rush hour with three "bags," so to speak, and I was getting on a commuter train to Swindon where it was standing room only.

I ended up standing the entire way to Swindon in the bathroom. My crate and bags stacked between my legs. I don't remember how I got to my parents' house from the Swindon trainstation. The smells of the journey had numbed my mind.

And it was a harrowing journey, to say the least.

But one I'll never forget.

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