And just past the "ides" of the month. Already! Can you believe it?
We had an eventful week last week... well, eventful for us... probably slow to some others. *wink-grin*
On Tuesday, Emily had a "playdate" with a girl from our cyber school. It was nice for them to have some one-on-one "girl-time." Edward, Ethan, and I enjoyed visiting with her mom and younger brother during drop-off and pick-up.
We returned from that "fun-ness" to hurry off to our annual 4-H club picnic/swim. I think the kids changed into fish that evening. They hit the pool, and we didn't see them again until we "forced" them out to eat a few bites of food and then again when it was time to go home. All in all, it was a perfect day and didn't start to rain until just after we were home.
Thursday took us to Nemour's Children's Hospital for Emily semi-annual check on her scoliosis. Since she's hit puberty and done a huge growth spurt (5 inches since last October), the doctor there is fairly confident that her scoliosis isn't going to get any worse. In fact, from her newest x-rays, it appears that it may have improved slightly. Yay!! We always enjoy going to that hospital though. It's bright and colorful and has lots of fun things to look at -- including a model train/car/airplane table that is interactive -- and do. Note the above photo with Ethan riding in "patient transport." I'd like to see all hospitals offer all patients (big and small) rides through their facilities in little red wagons. Wheee! There's a fantastic and colorful playground outside, complete with wheelchair-accessible swings. Sadly, the day was filled with rain so there was no chance of playing on it. Maybe next time?
Edward had soccer practice on Thursday evening since the rain had eased by then. (Go figure, right?) He tried out for goalie. He likes that position, though we're not sure he's really ready for it yet. Still, he's having a good time learning this sport so we'll encourage him all the way.
And on Friday, we celebrated Edward's "half-birthday" and Ethan's 11th month-iversary with a little steak and potatoes on the grill, accompanied by a huge salad. It's hard to believe how quickly the kids are growing up! Makes Stuart and I age faster, I think.
This week should be a bit quieter.
This Friday (shhhhh!) is our annual "Camp Woohoohaha" day. Stuart took the day off, and we'll have fun doing crafts, going on nature hikes, playing games, singing songs, and roasting hotdogs and marshmallows!! One day, we'll have a firepit so that we can pretend we're around a real campfire. We had lots of fun doing this last year, so I hope it's just as fun this year. Fingers crossed for good weather.
We watched Yes Man for our "Monday Movie Night" last week. It was...hmm...not bad. We enjoyed it but were glad we only paid $1.06 to see it. Not sure what's on the list tonight...but I have a shortlist of The Notebook or something from Redbox. I finished Season 7 of 24 yesterday. Awesome! I'm very surprised the show didn't get nominated for an Emmy this year. It was such a good season! At the end I felt chagrinned all over again that the new season doesn't start until next January. Sigh. Only 5 months to go. It'll be worth it!
The baby is walking in earnest now. He toddles everywhere, though crawling is still available, when and where necessary. He has two teeth trying to peek through. TWO TEETH!! We're so excited! We spotted them when he was screaming while I changed him on the examination table at the hospital. Perfect time to see them, huh?
Well, as I'm still a little out of sorts with some sort of "bug" I picked up this weekend, I'll bid you adieu and wish you a happy (and hopefully less hot and muggy where you live) Monday!
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