It kind of takes all the funniness out of it, doesn't it? The silliness is lost in the translation of it, I guess.
Stuart has a daily Far Side calendar this year, and occasionally he likes to share a pile of the pages with me.
Recently, while we were reading some together, laughing at the complete and utter zaniness of Gary Larson, Far Side's creator, Edward came into the room and asked if he could read them, too. We said sure, why not.
He read the first one...blank. The second one...another blank. You could actually see him trying to process each one to understand it and find the funniness.
In the end, we tried to explain the comics on the pages to him. After a few moments of studying them again, he would chuckle as he seemingly "got" it.
It may be his age -- afterall, he's only 6-going-on-7 -- or it may be that he's just too serious.
Either way, I have no doubt his humor will develop in some way.
Afterall, he thinks burping loudly is funny already.
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