Sunday, August 26, 2007

Remember Me?

A beautiful tribute to our troops...and a good reminder that we need to remember them.

1 comment:

Dan said...

Wow. Thanks for posting this video. I am going to post it on my blog too. Having been "deployed" to Kosovo in 2003 and to Korea for a short 2 1/2 week exercise in August 2007, it touched me in a unique way. I'm sure Wendy will not be able to watch it with dry eyes, as I wasn't either. Sure wish that the "masses" would take the time to remember those serving in Iraq and Afghanistan and other places abroad and at home. We are a very fickle (sp?) society these days and have such short attention spans. May God not turn away his blessing from our Nation...but may we first turn towards Him again so that we might be worthy of His continued blessing! The Founding Fathers as imperfect as they were, really got it right by acknowledging His Supremacy and His endowing each of us with our "inalienable rights" of which our Nation was founded to recognize and ensure were protected. Thanks again. -Dan