To me, " a watched pot never boils" means toss out the pot and throw the water in a microwave.
Around age 10, I got interested in drawing horses, and I wanted to draw them perfectly NOW. No practice necessary. Same thing went for learning to play the flute.
Ergo, patience is not a virtue for me.
So suntanning is not a treat for me as it might be for other people. I'm no "beach bunny." I'd almost rather burn than spend countless hours trying to turn my skin a beautiful golden brown. Notice, I said almost.
Much has been said regarding the numbering system on sunblocks and suntanning lotions. I've never really figured out how one is supposedly better than another when my mother's dermatologist told her that anything over 15 spf is about the same. Hmmm....
Now, before anyone sends me links to articles on the differences noted above, it doesn't really matter too much to me. We spend a total of one week at the beach. That's only 168 hours. And of those hours, we spend maybe 16-20 hours in the sunshine. Not really enough time to fry too much.
Okay. Okay. Unless we come to the beach in the middle of a heatwave.....
Oh, well.
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