Saturday, June 03, 2006

Dyeing to Stay Young

Me on my 2nd birthday with my presents.

Okay, okay. So I finally broke down and dyed my hair. It's not that I'm opposed to doing just takes so long. Plus, I'm always left with the fear of changing my hair color to something shockingly different from that of the woman on the box. (It's happened!) It reminds me of the scene in Anne of Green Gables when Anne emerges from under her covers, revealing green hair instead of her usual bright ginger locks. She explains to Marilla, "He assured me it would change to a beautiful raven color."

So why did I feel the need to alter the my coifure? I guess because it was becoming noticeably more grey. I don't feel "old enough" to have so much grey....though I'm not sure at what age I will feel differently.

I've watched quite a few 80s and early 90s movies lately. I've chuckled at the style differences and the youth of the actors. I've thought about how much older those actors are now....and then I've realized: I am that much older, too. Those actors are really my contemporaries. Ugh! 1990 wasn't that long ago, was it??

So maybe hiding a few grey hairs won't make me feel younger. But, gosh darn it, I'll look a bit younger...for now anyway. LOL!


Greg said...

wow, i know dying your hair makes someone look younger, but it really did a number on you in that picture!!!


Anonymous said...

Hang in there my dear friend! I took the "leap" in December and it was not as bad as I thought. Thinking about it though, it looks like it's time to dye it again....