Happy Monday! Happy 2nd Monday in July...
(You'll have to forgive my absence on the first Monday of the month...and the week that followed. I had a few ideas for posts but simply lacked inspiration. A bit of a blog drought, I think...no wait. I took a blog vacation. Yeah, that's what it was. A planned time-out to re-juice. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. *wink-grin*)
We've been enjoying some wonderful Summer weather. Some people said that scientists are linking the cooler weather to a volcano that erupted. I'm not too picky as to the reason...and I'll happily keep the cooler temperatures and lower humidity.
We continued our Monday Movie night last week with
12 Rounds, which was a good movie but a bit cheesy at times. Stuart's co-worker also lent us
Gran Torino. That was an awesome movie! A great performance from Clint Eastwood especially.
In other news...
Well, there isn't much other news. Our Summer is slowing down considerably, which is what I was hoping for. Slower times so that the kids could experience BOREDOM. Isn't that a rite of passage for kids?
Our car was out of commission most of last week. We still had the smaller, older one, but it's pretty hard to fit all of us in that one so we just stayed home. Never a bad plan, right? Stuart fixed the minivan on Thursday, and it passed its annual inspection/emissions testing with flying colors. I'm so thankful for a hubby who can do such stuff!
Our friend,
Rachel, and her son, Francis, visited us from Washington state last Thursday. It was so much fun to see them and catch up after so many years. The kids played some "Monopoly - Here and Now" while we enjoyed some tea and homemade cinnamon bread, and then we took a walk to the playground for some fun outside time.
The kids are growing, growing, growing. I think it has something to do with the summer air or such. Our 11-year-old, Emily hit a whopping 5 feet 7 inches already. (She's grown 5 inches since last October. Amazing, huh?) Edward is 4 feet 6 1/2 inches, which at 8 years old is taller than usual but not quite keeping up with the gargantuan sizes of his sister and brother. And Ethan is 31 inches -- off the charts as usual. I worry about Edward's and Ethan's growth spurts when they happen. I'm not sure how we'll afford the groceries. Fortunately there's nearly 8 years between them so Edward will be full grown by the time it hits Ethan.
Speaking of the kids, we introduced them to the
Andy Griffith Show over the weekend. I found a DVD of the show at the dollar store. Nice clean fun...and a bit silly at times but still a true American classic. They love it!
Speaking more of the kids, the older two are just about to finish the first section of their Summer Bridge books. Their prize for this stint? A sleepover/movie night with Mom and Dad respectively. They've been working hard for the last 15 days, trying to get their work done. So I think it's a fitting reward for our Summer Scholars. More on that to follow, no doubt.
Ethan turns 10 months tomorrow. It's hard to imagine in two short months he'll be one year old. I can't fathom the fact that he's growing up so quickly. Even as he practices standing without holding and crawls like a speedracer...and babbles words like "Umm" and "hi" -- more than just sounds. Some days I feel like I'm left spinning in the dust of these little people who are racing to grow up on me.
Bittersweet yet exciting times ahead....