Happy Monday to you! The very first one in April!
Only a few people were fooled by my April Fool's joke. Shucks. I was hoping for a slew of you. I thought I'd totally "get" you with that great ultrasound photo from Google images.
Life should be slower this week.
I'll pause to stop laughing and catch my breath.......................
Well, in theory, it should be quieter and slower. We're on our Easter break. But, sadly, dance class and our homeschool learning group don't take breaks for school holidays. So we're still committed to those this week. And we have 4-H tomorrow night. (We're heading to a rabbitry about an hour away. It should be interesting.) But not having to do official schoolwork will be nice. I still have all the household chores, laundry, and meals to do... so no break for me. Waaa-waaa! Poor Mommy... *wink-grin* I'm also hoping to start (I use this word tentatively here) Spring cleaning...by pillaging the house of the
24 is getting more and more exciting...though my nerves are having a hard time keeping up with the week-to-week viewing. I'm really not sure how we did it years ago when that was the only option for watching our favorite shows. And if you missed a show? Well, that was it until you might catch that episode by accident in the reruns. Now we have all sorts of online viewing options in addition to catching reruns... and/or buying the whole season on DVD later on. Ain't technology amazing?
Speaking of technology, we got to chat "live" with Stuart's parents in England yesterday. How cool is that?? We were so excited! We even chatted some more this morning. And all for FREE! Thank you, Skype! It was so much fun to see them in person! I think the kids would have kissed the computer screen if I'd let them. *grin*
And back to 24, we started seasoning and cooking our own pretzels for the occasion. (It's a bit cheaper than chicken wings.) So far, Stuart has enjoyed his immensely. I burnt mine last week. But it's still in the experimental stage. Once I figure out how to do mine, I think they'll taste phenomenal.
Edward's Spring soccer season should be starting up soon. He's really excited. Hopefully we started his allergy medicines soon enough to keep him from having any asthma attacks this year. Ugh. Stinking pollen.
Stuart and I head to...West Chester to see a Rocco concert this Thursday evening. My dear, sweet, loving, wonderful oldest sister and her hubby have offered to watch the three munchkins to allow us this treat. I'm a bit surprised by the venue, being that West Chester isn't any kind of metropolis, but it is a college town so maybe they have a method in their madness? Think there's a Hard Rock cafe there?
Well, the little "man" is awake and singing to me, hoping I'll come and get him for his next installment of formula.
Have a wonderful Monday!
Your Monday Musings brings me up to date...great to read.
Ofcourse it was ME, who you fooled with another Foote member, too funny. I'm a good believer, I think it was a great joke!
We should talk with eachother with Skype one time, should be wonderful!!!All those techniques brings many things to us all. Thank you for reminding that Susie...
Oh, you went to google images...I thought it was just one of your kids. I was looking through your previous posts to see if I saw the same image anywhere. ;)
Goofball, but I guess that's why I'm a reader. We are kindred spirits in that aspect. hee hee
LOL! I didn't think I got anyone except my mom with that post, Jadie and Karen. hehehehe
And no, Karen, it wasn't an ultrasound pic of any of my munchkins. Ethan is the only one we had ultrasounds with...and he was too small in the one and too big in the other to tell his gender. God preferred us to be surprised, I guess? ;-)
It's a really cute picture of Ethan. :-) By the way, we are going to see Rocco as well but tomorrow at the Bowery Ballroom. We'll have to compare notes after the concerts. :-)
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