We had a busy last week of June, as you probably read in my posts last week. I'm hoping for a more "normal" week this week. *wink*
Having two appointments and going to the beach, a ballgame, and Hershey Park all in the same week was exhausting. Add to that a fridge that decided to quit staying cold enough, and you've got our life at the moment. Still, we'll get the part and be back in business.
The good news from our appointments is that Leechie is doing well and Emily is not allergic to amoxicillin. Hooray!
It was a pleasure, as always, to hear the baby's heartbeat. There's an old wives' tale that says that a high heartrate signifies a girl and a low heartrate a boy... Our Leechie's has stayed right in the middle -- which is exactly what his/her siblings' heartrates did. No clues there, huh? We'll have to be surprised like we were with Emily and Edward...and that's the best way anyway since it's basically the way God intended it to be. Stuart says those "old wives" have a lot to answer for.
We have an enjoyable day planned for Independence Day. Our borough hosts a fun and patriotic parade which we've been going to since before we moved here. The borough council members hand out flags to everyone, and it's fun to see the sea of colors waving along the parade route. The kids really enjoy it, and my parents usually join us since it reminds them of the holiday parades they watched as kids. After the parade, we'll do a picnic and then possibly (weather-permitting, of course) go to a concert in the local city park.
There are excuses...and then there are Emily's excuses.
Our daughter is quite the drama queen these days. Being 10 and having allergies hasn't helped in that regard, I'm sure. Last night, her younger brother lost his glasses in his room. We had been hoping to play a game but decided that he needed to find his glasses first. Since he was having some troubles locating them, we asked Emily -- who was waiting rather impatiently -- if she wouldn't mind helping him. She sighed and said that no, she didn't "care to," since the lighting was all wrong in his room, and it made her head hurt. *grin*
***By way of an update: I should add -- in all fairness to my daughter -- that Emily did go to help her brother despite her very colorful and dramatic excuse. They didn't have any luck in finding them...nor did Stuart and I after we went to help, too. Edward finally found them on his desk chair (great place for glasses, huh?), but only after we'd torn apart his room.***
On that note, I'll say have a happy Monday.