Sunday, June 08, 2008

Sayonara, Spring Soccer Season

On the hottest possible day so far this year, in the middle of a heatwave, Edward had his final soccer game of the spring soccer season.

To say it was hot would be putting it mildly.

It was sweltering.

It was broiling.

It was downright nasty.

Somewhere in the high 90s F with a "real feel" temp of 102 F.

(It did bring to mind and heart our troops in the Middle East where the average daily temperatures have been reaching 136 F. Really puts things into perspective, huh? Our prayers are with them.)

I would have to say that Edward learned a lot in this particular season. It might be that he learned that even though he loves, loves, loves soccer, he doesn't really want to play again in the autumn.


He had excellent coaches is season, but they made him work and run a lot. *grin* That was the point, right? *wink*

Stuart and I reflected on the different coaches he had in each season and realized that each had his good points. Edward certainly learned a lot from them.

Hopefully, he'll use the break this summer to really miss playing his favorite-most sport.

We're hoping, too, if we practice a couple of the more difficult skills that maybe he'll feel more confident.

If not, there's always the power of persuasion. *wink*

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