We're "trucking" quickly toward the holidays. I can't believe it. Only 15 days!
It was an eventful week, as you may have already read on my blog. *sigh*
The weather -- though slightly warmer today -- was decidedly gray. We arrived home from dropping off my hubby after lunch and had to turn on the lights. At 2 p.m. Ugh. Oh, well. When there's time, I find this kind of weather conducive to writing. *grin*
Nothing new TV-wise. The writers' strike continues, 24 is "on ice" at the moment, and Kiefer is serving his time... We've caught a few fun/cool movies, including The Holiday, Maverick, Mr. Bean's Holiday, and Live Free or Die Hard. *sigh again*
Let's see...
We spent last week trying to get over a cold that swept through our foursome. I think we're mostly better, though there's always a residual cough and sniffle.
Stuart spent the first three days of the week in a small town in Illinois. He flew in and out of Indianapolis, getting stuck there overnight on Wednesday when all the flights home were cancelled due to the bad weather. While we were anxious to see him, we wanted him home safe and sound...so the short delay was nothing more than a necessary evil.
We finally got all of our Christmas presents mailed...I think. Now it's time to start the cards/newsletter, cookies, decorations, etc.
Since I've been blogging about our lives for the past nearly two years, I find myself it harder to encapsulate our year in a short letter. (I'm too wordy, I guess.) I always like changing the expression "A Day in the Life" to "The Life in a Day." That's my life sometimes. Busy, busy, busy. Then at other times, it's completely boring and "normal." I'll endeavor to do my best with this year's newsletter.
We spent last Tuesday in New York City with some of dear friends (see the photo slideshow below). It's always such fun to meet up for coffee and then spend time together. It makes the City feel more "homey" to us! We hope to go up again soon. *grin* (You up for another coffee, Lana?)
We managed to travel through Santaland to see Santa Claus himself while we were in the Big Apple. He was very excited to see all the kids, of course, and quite intrigued about Emily's offer of hot wings instead of the traditional milk and cookies. He must need a change. *wink! wink!*
Emily received her 2nd-year pin at the 4-H Christmas banquet on Saturday evening. She was thrilled to realize that she's been in 4-H for two years now...and even happier to receive the club gift to her: a fold-up chair complete with the 4-H emblem and a cup holder. She announced that she can watch Edward's soccer games in style now.
Over the weekend, I usually find a ton of funny musings popping into my brain to include on Monday...but then they're gone by the time I sit down to type. Hmmm... Maybe I'll sit down sooner -- like the moment the ideas come to mind.
* * *
• satin toe shoes
• ice floating on the river
• a jolly restaurant scene
• cleaning out the attic
• the smell of sandalwood
* * *
Well, this week promises to be the busiest of our holiday season with two more long practices (technical and dress) on Wednesday and Thursday and then the three Nutcracker shows on Friday and Saturday. The dancers are sure to be pooped by the end of it all.
But something I've noticed throughout Emily's tenure in ballet, no matter how tired the younger dancers feel, having to wait around and then dance on the stage in front of large audiences, they are always invigorated by watching the older dancers spinning around on their toes in satin toe shoes.
The older dancers are their dreams personified.
Emily has dreamt of being Clara since she was 2 years old. She has danced nearly her whole life -- and not always on stage...as the neighbors in our old apartment could attest to.
So when she's an angel again this year...she'll watch the Dew Drop Fairy and Clara and the Sugar Plum Fairy and dream....
...because one day that might be her...in her own pair of satin toe shoes.
And her daddy, mommy, and brother will be in the front row, cheering her on!
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