So we survived the crazy-busy weekend. Three shows of the Nutcracker and my mom's Christmas concert -- with an ice storm in the middle.
I posted a couple of videos from the dress rehearsal and a slide show of photos from between the Saturday shows. I also moved the video player on my sidebar so that you can access it easier to pause/stop it to watch the other videos I post.
The kids are working hard to finish their lessons before we begin our Christmas break on Thursday -- only a few days earlier than our cyber school planned, but they've been working hard this semester and deserve a few extra days off. *wink*
Our homeschool learning group finished for the first term. The students in my high school journalism class did a good job with the layout of their first newspaper. They couldn't do it all in our hour-long class, but I'll finish it at home for them. Next term, it's all theirs. (Insert "evil laugh" here.) No, I think they'll do a fine job. One student definitely stood out as a leader so I'll choose her to act as "editor" when we start up classes again in February.
Still no letup in the writers' strike out in Hollywood.... It makes us so sad since that means no new season of 24 for awhile. *sniff* Hopefully soon? Otherwise, we're catching up on movies and other shows that we enjoy...but it's just not the same....
On that note...
* * *
• holiday cards in the mail
• a sculpture garden in the snow
• Swedish butter cookies
• a soaring refrain
• lights out except the tree
* * *
Well, now that the Nutcracker is over I feel like Life can start up again....
It reminds me of the scene in the movie Big Fish when the main character talks about how Life stops at special moments and then when it starts up again it goes extra fast to catch up to where it should have been.
That's how I feel at the moment.
It's not September...
And it's not October or November...
It's not even the beginning of December anymore...
Okay. Okay. I guess I can calm down again.
I was sitting in my dining room last night...thinking of all that I have to do...and feeling absolutely no energy to even begin to write it all down.
Still, it's a brandnew day today, and I began my "To-Do List" and I'm checking it twice, but I think I'm making some quick progress. (Good thing, right?)
I've ordered our Christmas photos to pick up later on today....I wrote our Christmas newsletter....I bought wrapping paper to finish wrapping stuff for the kids....I brought in the gifts we'd had stowed in the back of the car to hide them from Edward...along with some boogie boards and sand toys...*grin*
Busy, busy....that's me!
Then I stop and reflect on one part of my list: Christmas cards.
There's something special about getting the mail this time of year. I love the connectedness I feel when I open up the various cards and see the photos or read the newsletters, catching up with friends and loved ones.
It reminds me that we are loved by so many people around the planet...and that once a year we think especially of each other.
We remember each other with fondness.
That, to me, is "Peace on Earth."
1 comment:
Hehehe, this is our first Christmas at a new address. So I look forward to getting the mail well into January as all the forwarding catches up with us! :-)
How much snow did you get? We got just a dusting. But it was enough to unwind and look out the window and smile for a change.
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