Friday, June 12, 2009

Friday Fun

Here's a fun music group -- called "K3" -- that my dear, sweet Dutch friend, Jadie, introduced me to today. I found this video after she sent me a few of their other ones, and I think it's such FUN!!!!

Enjoy! And join in to have a "hippie, happy shake" kind of Friday!


chat text said...

Great, I was browsing blogs amd clicked on the video and now my wife won't stop doing the "Hippie shake"

You have created a monster! How do I stop her?

Jadie said...

Aaaaah, the Foote Family dances the Hippie Shake! Good luck on that. You know this music makes you happy, it doesn't matter that you don'y understand one word of the Dutch lyrics!!! Their album is heading your way Susie.