Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
A Third-Grader's Poem
Always Late
A child was always late.
He never made it for his plate.
He was never on time.
Once, he fell in a mine!
"I'm coming!" he yelled, sprinting past a flea.
And when he got to his plate, he gobbled it up with glee!
~Edward Foote
A child was always late.
He never made it for his plate.
He was never on time.
Once, he fell in a mine!
"I'm coming!" he yelled, sprinting past a flea.
And when he got to his plate, he gobbled it up with glee!
~Edward Foote
Monday, September 28, 2009
Monday Musings Moseying Along
The weather turned decidedly cooler today. I think the outer world suddenly realized that it's Autumn now.
We had a very busy weekend which included a fun time visiting with our Japanese friend and former exchange student, Haruko. She arrived on Thursday evening and is staying with my parents until tomorrow. A quick visit, but it has been wonderful to catch up and reminisce.
Saturday night found us at my parents' house for a supposed meal to celebrate Haruko's visit as a family... It was indeed that -- with the added bonus of a surprise "39-and-holding" party from my family for Stuart and me. Since the date was nearly equidistant between our birthdays, they thought it was the perfect opportunity to do such a deed. And surprise us they did. (Wow! And I'm usually a hard one to surprise since I still have a journalist's nose and instincts. *wink-grin* In other words, I'm nosy.) But they all -- including the kids -- did a great job of keeping "mum" on the subject. We enjoyed a delicious dinner of cavatini (Mom's specialty!! Mmm!) and salad and bread, followed by ice cream cake. Then we played some "old-age" games, courtesy of my fun-loving and creative still older (hee-hee!) sisters.
The photo above is six-foot-seven-inch Stuart standing beside our 15-year-old nephew, Erik, who is about to "catch" him in height. Every time my family gets together, we are always amazed by his growth. My bet is on 6'8" as his final height. We shall see. I should have taken a photo of Emily beside my mom who is 5'7". At nearly 12, I think she may have caught up with her. My bet is 5'10" for her. I guess you could say we grow 'em big in this family? *wink-grin* (again)
The baby has found his inner-man "strut." Gone is the baby toddle. It's quite funny to watch. He likes to run, too, though he's still working on those brakes. And last week he actually hopped...a two-feet-off-the-ground hop. It was so funny. Of course he probably won't do it again for months now since he surprised himself, too.
Heard from the 8-year-old (of his baby brother): "He's growing up so fast." Hmm...We could say the same about you, my sweet boy.
Speaking of sweet boys, Edward's team lost another game on Saturday morning. We felt bad for them since they didn't get any goals at all. It gives the team's morale a bit of a blow when they continually lose. Still, I thought they played better than ever. Each game they seem to improve. And they're definitely trying...and having fun!
Anyhoo...lots to do to catch up on life and the house and our schoolwork. Sigh. Whatever happened to the slow, boring days of youth?
Ciao for now!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Sunday Sweeties
Future "mall rats?"
Not a chance since we hardly ever go there,
Not a chance since we hardly ever go there,
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Punctual Punctuation
I remember when Emily was much smaller, I had the dubious position in our homeschool group of teaching composition writing. I say "dubious" because, while it was enjoyable, none of the students really understood how to write. I was a little
So, after looking through their first papers, I decided to go back to "square one" and help them learn (or relearn?) the basics.
We reviewed the parts of speech, the subject and predicate in a sentence, and the various punctuation marks. It was almost -- but not quite -- depressing how much they didn't know. I kept wondering and worrying if I was expecting too much.
Then one student "made my day" and helped me understand why I needed to reteach these foundation stones in writing.
I gave a little punctuation quiz and asked the students to write down as many of the punctuation marks as they could remember and explain the use of each.
One of her answers? (And, to quote Dave Barry, I am NOT making this up.)
"Coma (she meant "comma") when you want to rest."
Say no more?
Say no more.
Happy! Happy? Happy... Happy National Punctuation Day!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
A Box, a Baby, and a Bit of Fun
It's amazing how a simple box can provide so much fun for a little person.
We had fun watching Ethan explore and play with one this morning. And all we can say now is: "Thank you, God, for safety gates." The staircase may look a lot more appealing now.
We had fun watching Ethan explore and play with one this morning. And all we can say now is: "Thank you, God, for safety gates." The staircase may look a lot more appealing now.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Monday Musings Betwixt Seasons
Wow! I cannot believe we're entering the last quarter of 2009 already. Is that really possible?
I love this time of year. The crisp air...the colorful leaves...needing warmer clothes but not heavy ones yet. Pumpkins, caramel apples, sunshine through the leaves. Mmmm...
Life has been moving incredibly fast at the moment. I know. I know. That isn't physically possible, but it sure feels that way.
Ethan had a fun first birthday, I think. We certainly had fun celebrating it with him. We're all still reeling at the idea that he's actually a year old...12 months...365 days. It seems like we only just met him...yet, like we've always known him, too. He's walking really well now and has a real "swagger" to his stroll. He's also trying to run, but he hasn't mastered the whole stopping thing so he's still a bit unstable on that front. He likes to dance and "jump" (with his feet on the ground still, of course), too. It's funny to watch him. Like our own baby entertainer.
Emily has started her 10th year of dance. We're not sure she's enjoying it quite so much these days. It's much more intense -- which you'd imagine at this level -- and we're thinking her interest might be waning a bit. We'll see. She's in the "middle school" of our cyber school which means she has four teachers to report to and actual assignments to do that will be graded. The work is challenging, but she's rising to it which is good. Just like it's hard to imagine Ethan is 1-year-old now, I'm finding it hard to believe she's in 7th grade...and soon will be 12!!!! Egads.
U9 soccer is proving challenging to Edward, too, this year. As far as we're concerned, his team is doing fine. The coaches and some of the other parents may disagree, but you have a lot of skill levels coming together on a team. We think he's still enjoying it, but we'll see when it comes time to sign up for the spring season. Ethan and I take Edward to his practices, and I think Ethan is enjoying playing with the extra balls he's finds. He even tried kicking it last night. Edward has a good handle on third grade already so we think he'll do great this year.
In other news...
A little less than 3 1/2 months until Season 8 of 24 starts!! Yippeeeeeeeee!! Yayayayayay!! Yeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaw!! Ahem. We're mildly excited here. Rumors have been flying that this may be the final season. It makes sense...but saddens us, nonetheless. Continuing on the Kiefer front, Monsters vs. Aliens comes out next week. If you haven't seen it yet, do so. It's a fun -- and really cute -- movie. And some really creative juices went into making it.
And at the typing of this particular post I think I'm nearly caught up on my blog. With the busyness of traveling and starting school and "birthdaying," I'm afraid it got a little neglected. Still, it feels good to catch up...
And with that I'll bid you adieu.
kids school,
monday musings,
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
(Un)Fortune-ately Funny!
"Keep your feet on the ground even though friends flatter you."
"Life to you is a dashing and bold adventure."
"Happy life is just in front of you."
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
First Birthday Fun!
"Birthday adventures" take on a new meaning when applied to a new one-year-old.
Since Ethan is still in the "two-nap" phase of his life, we had to be careful not to overplan his birthday fun for him.
The day started with opening birthday gifts on our bed. He loved doing that and playing a bit with some of them afterwards.
Since the kids had each gotten a coupon for a free donut from Dunkin' Donuts as a part of the library's Summer reading program, I'd saved them until Ethan's birthday so that he could enjoy his first donut on his first birthday. We went there after breakfast, and he obviously knew exactly what to do with it.
Then we headed to Barnes & Noble to enjoy reading some books and playing with the trains. Afterwards, it was lunchtime followed by naptime. Once the nap was finished, we walked to the nearby playground.
His birthday dinner was macaroni-and-cheese and chicken...and birthday cake (of course). We were very surprised he had room for his pre-bedtime bottle of milk.
At the end of it all, he was a very tired -- but very happy -- guy.
Sweet dreams, one-year-old Ethan.
Click here to see some more photos of our little guy from his birthday weekend.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
On the Eve of a First Birthday...
3 months old
Dearest Ethan:
As I sit here on the evening before your first birthday, I am vividly remembering last year when we were about to meet you.
For 9 whole months we dreamt about you -- who you would be, what you would be like, how you would fit into our family. There is no doubt that you were a surprise addition for us. We'd been hoping to meet you some five years earlier. But God works in surprises, doesn't He? And His surprises are always blessings in disguise.
You are definitely a blessing to us, my little baby boy. A blessing of joy and youth and all that is fun. Life is so new and exciting to you. And that's a great reminder to us "oldies."
We loved you from the moment we saw you. And that love just grows and grows...just like you. But stay small a little bit longer for us...please? Don't push away too quickly. We'll be sure to give you the room to sprout your wings and fly -- just as we have your older sister and brother. But, just like them, remember where your first nest was and return to it often. Daddy and I will always make sure there's room for you.
Happy Happy 1st birthday, my sweet, awesome baby.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
From First Birthdays to First Football Matches
This weekend is proving chock-a-block with activities. I keep reminding myself that after Monday, I can rest. (Yeah, right.)
We have a little family birthday party for our soon-to-be 1-year-old...and Edward has his first "football" match.
Add to these activities: rain.
Very sad to me since we wanted to host the party know, as a cookout with hotdogs, lawn games, s'mores...
Oh, well.
"Festiveness" starts from within, I guess. *grin*
We have a little family birthday party for our soon-to-be 1-year-old...and Edward has his first "football" match.
Add to these activities: rain.
Very sad to me since we wanted to host the party know, as a cookout with hotdogs, lawn games, s'mores...
Oh, well.
"Festiveness" starts from within, I guess. *grin*
This year's Wyomissing U9 Soccer Player
Friday, September 11, 2009
You Say It's Your Birthday!
Hear ye! Hear ye!!
Let it be known that on this date, the official birthday weekend begins!
Happy birthday to my wonderful, sweet, loving hubby, Stuart.
(homemade birthday bagels)
And while we pause to remember other memories that we'll never forget on this date, we remember God's goodness in blessing us with you! And blessing you with another year!
Let it be known that on this date, the official birthday weekend begins!
Happy birthday to my wonderful, sweet, loving hubby, Stuart.
And while we pause to remember other memories that we'll never forget on this date, we remember God's goodness in blessing us with you! And blessing you with another year!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
100 Things...Part 2
I'm borrowing this idea from Jadie over at The World of Emilia. (It's a lot harder than you think...)
34. I got my first rabbit in 1982.
35. It was summertime, and I was 11-going-on-12.
36. She was a Himalayan Dwarf that I named "Mittens."
37. I was suddenly smitten by rabbits.
38. My favorite house that I lived in when I was younger was one that was built in 1767.
39 It was an old "inn" along the now-defunct Union Canal.
40. It came with 7 acres of mostly grass -- and an old swimming pool and apple orchard.
41. And lots of history...and mystery.
42. I lived there from March 1981 until June 1983.
43. My adopted grandmother, Tick, lived across the street on a farm called "Willit Run." I loved her so much.
44. Her farm was old and had lots of history -- and mystery -- too.
45. I had a huge imagination when I was young and could scare myself half to death sometimes.
46. I had a love/hate relationship with Nancy Drew and Scooby Doo.
47. I have always loved music.
48. I started playing the flute when I was 10.
49. Because I have allergies, I have never been a good singer.
50. I always wanted to play the piano, too. My sister and I got very good at playing "Heart and Soul." We could really jazz-it-up.
51. I traded babysitting for horseback riding lessons when I was 13.
52. I always wanted a horse, too.
53. Rabbits are my horse.
54. It was the best compromise my dad could offer.
55. He grew up chasing his sister's horse.
56. After that, he wasn't a big "fan" of horses...or anything to do with them.
57. When I was younger, I wanted to join the 4-H sheep club.
58. I never got to.
59. Not until I was grown up and my daughter joined the 4-H rabbit club.
60. I was a member of my high school's FFA club though.
61. For 3 years, I was the club's historian and won gold medals for the scrapbook.
62. All four years of high school, I took agri-science classes. I was in heaven.
63. I also was editor of the school newspaper.
64. And in the band.
65. It was fun...but I was so glad to be finished.
66. We moved to England a week or so after my 18th birthday -- the autumn after I 1988.
To be continued...
34. I got my first rabbit in 1982.
35. It was summertime, and I was 11-going-on-12.
36. She was a Himalayan Dwarf that I named "Mittens."
37. I was suddenly smitten by rabbits.
38. My favorite house that I lived in when I was younger was one that was built in 1767.
39 It was an old "inn" along the now-defunct Union Canal.
40. It came with 7 acres of mostly grass -- and an old swimming pool and apple orchard.
41. And lots of history...and mystery.
42. I lived there from March 1981 until June 1983.
43. My adopted grandmother, Tick, lived across the street on a farm called "Willit Run." I loved her so much.
44. Her farm was old and had lots of history -- and mystery -- too.
45. I had a huge imagination when I was young and could scare myself half to death sometimes.
46. I had a love/hate relationship with Nancy Drew and Scooby Doo.
47. I have always loved music.
48. I started playing the flute when I was 10.
49. Because I have allergies, I have never been a good singer.
50. I always wanted to play the piano, too. My sister and I got very good at playing "Heart and Soul." We could really jazz-it-up.
51. I traded babysitting for horseback riding lessons when I was 13.
52. I always wanted a horse, too.
53. Rabbits are my horse.
54. It was the best compromise my dad could offer.
55. He grew up chasing his sister's horse.
56. After that, he wasn't a big "fan" of horses...or anything to do with them.
57. When I was younger, I wanted to join the 4-H sheep club.
58. I never got to.
59. Not until I was grown up and my daughter joined the 4-H rabbit club.
60. I was a member of my high school's FFA club though.
61. For 3 years, I was the club's historian and won gold medals for the scrapbook.
62. All four years of high school, I took agri-science classes. I was in heaven.
63. I also was editor of the school newspaper.
64. And in the band.
65. It was fun...but I was so glad to be finished.
66. We moved to England a week or so after my 18th birthday -- the autumn after I 1988.
To be continued...
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Wordless (mostly) Wednesday
wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Particularly Poetic
One of our favorite-most poems, learned in school last year. Read and enjoy!!
The Duel
The gingham dog and the calico cat
Side by side on the table sat;
'T was half-past twelve, and (what do you think!)
Nor one nor t' other had slept a wink!
The old Dutch clock and the Chinese plate
Appeared to know as sure as fate
There was going to be a terrible spat.
(I wasn't there; I simply state
What was told to me by the Chinese plate!)
The gingham dog went "bow-wow-wow!"
And the calico cat replied "mee-ow!"
The air was littered, an hour or so,
With bits of gingham and calico,
While the old Dutch clock in the chimney place
Up with its hands before its face,
For it always dreaded a family row!
(Now mind: I'm only telling you
What the old Dutch clock declares is true!)
The Chinese plate looked very blue,
And wailed, "Oh, dear! what shall we do!"
But the gingham dog and the calico cat
Wallowed this way and tumbled that,
Employing every tooth and claw
In the awfullest way you ever saw -
And, oh! how the gingham and calico flew!
(Don't fancy I exaggerate -
I got my news from the Chinese plate!)
Next morning, where the two had sat
They found no trace of dog or cat;
And some folks think unto this day
That burglars stole that pair away!
But the truth about the cat and pup
Is this: they ate each other up!
Now what do you really think of that!
(The old Dutch clock it told me so,
And that is how I came to know.)
~Eugene Field
The gingham dog and the calico cat
Side by side on the table sat;
'T was half-past twelve, and (what do you think!)
Nor one nor t' other had slept a wink!
The old Dutch clock and the Chinese plate
Appeared to know as sure as fate
There was going to be a terrible spat.
(I wasn't there; I simply state
What was told to me by the Chinese plate!)
The gingham dog went "bow-wow-wow!"
And the calico cat replied "mee-ow!"
The air was littered, an hour or so,
With bits of gingham and calico,
While the old Dutch clock in the chimney place
Up with its hands before its face,
For it always dreaded a family row!
(Now mind: I'm only telling you
What the old Dutch clock declares is true!)
The Chinese plate looked very blue,
And wailed, "Oh, dear! what shall we do!"
But the gingham dog and the calico cat
Wallowed this way and tumbled that,
Employing every tooth and claw
In the awfullest way you ever saw -
And, oh! how the gingham and calico flew!
(Don't fancy I exaggerate -
I got my news from the Chinese plate!)
Next morning, where the two had sat
They found no trace of dog or cat;
And some folks think unto this day
That burglars stole that pair away!
But the truth about the cat and pup
Is this: they ate each other up!
Now what do you really think of that!
(The old Dutch clock it told me so,
And that is how I came to know.)
~Eugene Field
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Saturday Sweetheart
Well, the time has come for all sweet baby boys to have their sweet baby boy hairs cut.
So I present...
Ethan's first haircut...
So I present...
Ethan's first haircut...
saturday sweetheart,
Friday, September 04, 2009
Nags Head - Parting Pics...
The end of our beach week has come.
It's been a fairly "wet" week...and, sadly, not just from swimming in the ocean and pool. But we still had a nice time with my parents and oldest sister.
Sometimes, it's just nice to get away...
I'll end our vacation week with some more photos (in a slightly random order) of our time down here.
We had a lovely dinner out at a restaurant called "Tail of a Whale" on Wednesday night and then went to Manteo to have some ice cream (thanks, Dad!!) and wander along the Sound.
Then, after my parents and sister left early this morning due to the fact that it was meant to rain yet again, we spent the late morning through the afternoon on the sunny (yay!) beach and in the pool. It was fun to build and dig in the sand and actually get a little bit of a sunburn.
Another vacation is over.
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