Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Idiots, Beware...or Not...

So we were on our way to drop off Stuart at his work this morning, and we're waiting at a traffic light notorious for idiotic drivers.

Sadly, we weren't disappointed today.

A man in a SUV turned in front of us while the signal was still very red, nearly crashing into another car coming up to the light and two ladies with their dogs.

Angry, Stuart made mention that he would have been a witness for the other car's driver had there been an accident. I agreed and was seconded by Emily. We all agreed that we would have shown up en masse in court to announce to the judge that the SUV driver was definitely an idiot. Our conversation escalated to include the district court, the state court, even the Supreme Court. Stuart said he would even testify in front of Congress!

Our ranting continued until Edward piped up, "I'd stay home. Or maybe go to Mt. Rushmore."

That's our shy guy -- our little "social butterfly."

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