Monday, December 08, 2008

Two Guys, a Girl, and a Little White Bear

I'm afraid my Monday musings will be a bit more sporadic at the moment.

The holidays and busyness of trying to keep my household from imploding going insane, um, just keep my household going has gotten the best of me. So I may not be able to keep up with my daily posts like I usually do...

...and this makes me very sad.

I began blogging nearly three years ago to get myself writing again. It was my once-a-day forced dose of "getting back myself," and I loved it. I had a bit of "me" back...and it felt great!

Now, with an infant in tow again, I am unable to keep up with it all and need to regroup to figure out our new normal.

But I'll be back in full-swing before too long.

Until then, enjoy:
Two guys (in matching brothers' shirts)...

A girl (accepting her 3rd-year award/present at 4-H)...

And a little white bear. (Ethan, 12 weeks old)

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