Wednesday, September 13, 2006

On Aging...

So I had to revisit an earlier blog entry to see when I last dyed my hair....the silver highlights were becoming more noticable, and I wondered if it was getting to be time. And I guess it was....

I bought another two boxes of hair dye (my hair is getting too long for one box), but I was loathe to try it because it always takes so long....and I'd chosen a lighter shade this time. I was concerned...Will I appear to have the soft, subtle "dark ash blonde" of the model on the box...or will my hair end up red? Always a quandry.

See, guys don't have this problem. They go gray and deal with it. They think, "Am I getting older? Oh, well." Women...we just want to preserve some of our youthfulness by keeping our original haircolor. I've seen women in their 80s with sagging faces and baggy eyes, but hair the color they were born with.

In a recent chat with another blogger (see Had It All), we both concluded that even though we're only in our mid-thirties...we're still looked on as being "older," or or even (eek!) "aging." Now, if a child of under-10 said that, I'd understand. Anyone above 15 is old to them. But she was told by her own doctor that "at her age" she could expect.... What??!?

Anyway, I decided to "take the plunge," so to speak, and I dyed my hair before our trip to New York City last Saturday. (I know, I know....risky. But I figured I could always re-dye it if necessary. I had to do that last year when I made an orange patchwork quilt in my hair from trying to add blonde streaks...) It worked out in the end and actually looked fairly good...until we sat in traffic for 1.5 hours and then had to wait another 2.5 hours for the movie. (I'd used my spiral curling iron to make lots of long curls and had it down -- pulled back by my sunglasses -- which is a rarity for me since it usually drives me crazy within seconds. But by the time we met Kiefer Sutherland, I'd reached "crazy" and pulled it up. Oh, well. So much for glamorous!)

At least I'm "highlight-free"...for now.


Stuart said...

LOVE the photo!!!!!


Susie said...


Thought you would!