Tuesday, September 26, 2006

To Coin a Phrase

I love to "coin" new words and phrases. (A process called neologism.) I remember when I first learned about that expression. I wasn't sure what it meant, but it's gives a very vivid picture now.

Words like:
blog -- used as a noun or verb -- as in, short for weblog, or the act of writing an entry in a weblog
library -- used as a verb -- as in, "We're librarying today. Would you like to join us?"
porch -- used as a verb -- as in, "Let's porch tonight. We'll bring the games; you have the snacks."
donuthole -- used as a noun -- as in, "He is such a donuthole (has a head that soft and squooshy with a hole in the middle)."
sunsetty -- used as an adjective -- as in, "More sunsetty goodness..." (See TV Guy.)
cubemunity -- used as a noun -- as in, see Squid on the Grill.
idle grass -- used as an expression -- as in, "I digress."
text -- used as a verb -- as in, send a text message via your cellphone
prairie dog -- used as a verb -- as in, pop your head above your cubicle wall to see what's going on; see also, being nosy.

I have a British friend who works for the company that produces the Oxford English Dictionary. Her job is to check usage to see how a word is evolving. Has it been accepted? Is it still used? How is it used? She uses that information to decide what the ranking of the word will be: archaic, obsolete, slang, etc.

In all truthiness, that would be a brillig job for me...to coin a phrase! D'oh!

Check out these other fun sites for more "coined words/phrases":
More Sniglets

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