It's still amazing to think time is flying by so quickly. We're nearly halfway through 2009 already.
We had some awesome late Spring/early Summer weather this weekend. Blue skies, warm sun, and cool breezes. Perfect!
Friday was the end-of-school picnic. The weather cooperated enough that it didn't rain during the picnic time. The kids enjoyed saying goodbye to their teachers and classmates and playing at the park. Stuart took a vacation day so he could join us. Yay!
He shoots....he scores!! Twice! Wooo-hooo! We were excited to see Edward focusing much better in yesterday's game. The same cannot be said about all of his teammates. But I had to keep reminding myself that the spring teams are made up of kids in kindergarten, first grade, and second grade. So focus is not a strong point for some yet.
Yesterday also marked the end of teaching Sunday School for Stuart and me. A bittersweet moment, I think. Stuart was beginning to get a little tired from in all...after 4 years. Go figure. *wink-grin* But that didn't stop him from misting up as he prayed with the kids for the last time at the end of class.
Today marks the end of Emily's Ballet 3A Monday classes, and Wednesday will be the last of that day's classes. The recital is next Sunday afternoon! She got her costume last month, and Stuart and I were very pleased. It's very ballerina-ish. The girls felt it looked "too young," but we assured Emily that it looked much more professional than some she's had in previous years. I'm sure they'll all look beautiful on Sunday.
Ethan -- our behemoth baby -- is trying to crawl in earnest now. He's managed to figure out the stance and even has the strength to nearly push himself up. He's still not sure of the motion, though he's realized if he wriggles and/or "swims" he can move towards whatever it is that he wants. He was after a ball last night and kept getting just within reach...only to knock it out of reach again. He's very interested in standing and bouncing still so we think that crawling might be a short-lived stage followed fairly quickly by "cruising." We shall see.
Off to start the laundry... Have a happy Monday!
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